Gun Websites

Gun Websites

00-10-26-06-055ssG-Webs (Pete) is the Publisher and Network Developer, he builds the websites and systems that make our network function.

He hunts in Arizona and has fished all over the U.S.

– Arizona CCW Holder
– Utah CCW Holder
– Nevada CCW  (exp)
– U.S. Army Reserve Veteran
– Eagle Scout
– Nationally Registered EMT (expired)
– Civil Air Patrol (Lt.)
– HAM Radio Licence Holder
– Glock Certified Armorer  (exp)
– Member of the KCA (Kalashnikov Collectors Association)
– NRA Certified Instructor (Basic Pistol)
– NRA Certified Instructor (Personal Protection Inside the Home)
– NRA Certified Instructor (Personal Protection Outside the Home)
– Range Safety Officer
– Massad Ayoob Group MAG20
– Massad Ayoob Group MAG40
00-full-auto-tommy-gun– Tactical Response, Force on Force
– LMS Defense Pistol 1
– LMS Defense First Aid
– MDFI Carbine 2
– MDFI Pistol 2
– MDFI Carbine 1
– MDFI Pistol 1
– MDFI Low Light 1
– Front Sight 4 day pistol
– Front Sight CCW
– Life Member, AzCDL
– Member, Tucson Rifle Club
– Member, Pima Pistol Club
– Life Member, Arizona Arms Association
– Life Member, 2nd Amendment Foundation
– Life Member, NRA
– Member, JPFO
– Member, CCRKBA
– Member, Oath Keepers (exp)
– Member GSSF (Glock Shooting Sports) (exp)
– Member IDPA, (Marksman)

Pete has attended and reviewed classes by; Massad Ayoob (LFI, MAG), Chris Costa (Magpul Dynamics), Steve Fisher (Magpul Dynamics, MDFI), Mike Pannone, “Chappy” (LMS Defense), Gabe Suarez (Suarez International), James Yeager (Tactical Response), Paul Gomez, Front Sight, MDFI (Michigan Defensive Firearms Institute) and over a dozen CCW Instructors in AZ, & Nevada

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